
Sunday at 11.15am

A communion service is held in church at 11.15am on the first three Sundays of the month, with Matins at 11.15am on the fourth Sunday.  When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, a joint service is often held with St Mark’s Church, Newnham at either church.  Each month we gather for our Whole Church Family Service on the 2nd Sunday of the month, gathering for breakfast before worshiping together. For full details of services in the coming months, please see below or sign up to receive our weekly email bulletin.  

Upcoming  Services

In addition to the regular services above, we have recently started having an evening service once a month, either Compline or Sung Evensong. The plan is as follows: all are at 6.00pm

15th September  Evensong

20th October Compline



Services in September

Sunday 1st September11.15 Communion

Sunday 8th September 10.30 Communion Jim Robinson’s first service

(followed by lunch in village hall)

Sunday 15th September  11.15 Communion

Sunday 22nd September 11.15 Matins

Sunday 29th September 1.15 Communion


Other Services

Jim Robinson’s Installation service will be on the 5th of September, at 7pm in St Mark’s.

The Church of England is also streaming a service each Sunday morning at 9am.  There is also a service at 8.10am on Radio 4 and local radio stations.