Church News

Recruitment of Vicar

We are delighted to announce that the new vicar at Grantchester will be
the Revd Jim Robinson.

  Jim is currently living in Newnham with his family. His wife, Arabella Millbank Robinson is Dean of Chapel at Selwyn College and they have two young children. 
We are very much looking forward to welcoming them to Grantchester Church.

Jim’s service of Institution and Induction will be on Thursday 5th September. at 7pm in St Mark’s Newnham, followed by drinks in the Community Hall.

Jim’s first service, on Sunday 8th September, will be a joint service for both parishes, at 10.30am in Grantchester. There will be a lunch afterwards in the Village Hall. (for catering please RSVP to

Church Fete

Revamp of Garden of Remembrance

A revamp of the Garden of Remembrance by the Landscape contractor LandArt has recently been carried out.

A new bench by the yew tree has been installed